Digital Tolkien Project Silmarillion Citation System Index by James Tauber AINULINDALË The Music of the Ainur AL.001 {p} There was Eru, the AL.002 {p} And it came to AL.003 {p} Then Ilúvatar said to AL.004 {p} Then the voices of AL.005 {p} But now Ilúvatar sat AL.006 {p} Some of these thoughts AL.007 {p} Then Ilúvatar arose, and AL.008 {p} In the midst of AL.009 {p} Then Ilúvatar spoke, and AL.010 {p} Then the Ainur were AL.011 {p} But when they were AL.012 {p} And many other things AL.013 {p} Now the Children of AL.014 {p} But the other Ainur AL.015 {p} Now to water had AL.016 {p} And Ilúvatar spoke to AL.017 {p} Then Ulmo answered: “Truly, AL.018 {p} But even as Ulmo AL.019 {p} Then there was unrest AL.020 {p} Thus it came to AL.021 {p} But when the Valar AL.022 {p} But Manwë was the AL.023 {p} Now the Valar took AL.024 {p} And the Valar drew AL.025 {p} Thus began the first VALAQUENTA Account of the Valar and Maiar according to the lore of the Eldar VQ.01.001 {p} In the beginning Eru, VQ.01.002 {p} Then those of the Of the Valar VQ.02.001 {p} The Great among these VQ.02.002 {p} Manwë and Melkor were VQ.02.003 {p} With Manwë dwells Varda, VQ.02.004 {p} Ulmo is the Lord VQ.02.005 {p} Nonetheless Ulmo loves both VQ.02.006 {p} Aulë has might little VQ.02.007 {p} The spouse of Aulë VQ.02.008 {p} The Fëanturi, masters of VQ.02.009 {p} Námo the elder dwells VQ.02.010 {p} Irmo the younger is VQ.02.011 {p} Mightier than Estë is VQ.02.012 {p} Greatest in strength and VQ.02.013 {p} Oromë is a mighty VQ.02.014 {p} These are the names Of the Maiar VQ.03.001 {p} With the Valar came VQ.03.002 {p} Chief among the Maiar VQ.03.003 {p} Ossë is a vassal VQ.03.004 {p} Melkor hated the Sea, VQ.03.005 {p} Melian was the name VQ.03.006 {p} Wisest of the Maiar VQ.03.007 {p} Of Melian much is Of the Enemies VQ.04.001 {p} Last of all is VQ.04.002 {p} From splendour he fell VQ.04.003 {p} Yet so great was VQ.04.004 {p} Among those of his VQ.trailer {tr} HERE ENDS THE VALAQUENTA QUENTA SILMARILLION The History of the Silmarils 01: OF THE BEGINNING OF DAYS QS.01.001 {p} It is told among QS.01.002 {p} In that time the QS.01.003 {p} Then the seeds that QS.01.004 {p} Now it came to QS.01.005 {p} Now therefore the Valar QS.01.006 {p} Then Tulkas slept, being QS.01.007 {p} Now Melkor began the QS.01.008 {p} In the confusion and QS.01.009 {p} Thus ended the Spring QS.01.010 {p} Behind the walls of QS.01.011 {p} And when Valinor was QS.01.012 {p} And as they watched, QS.01.013 {p} The one had leaves QS.01.014 {p} In seven hours the QS.01.015 {p} But as the ages QS.01.016 {p} From the beauty and QS.01.017 {p} But Manwë Súlimo, highest QS.01.018 {p} Manwë has no thought QS.01.019 {p} But Ulmo was alone, QS.01.020 {p} And in that time QS.01.021 {p} Now all is said QS.01.022 {p} For it is said QS.01.023 {p} But Ilúvatar knew that QS.01.024 {p} It is one with 02: OF AULË AND YAVANNA QS.02.001 {p} It is told that QS.02.002 {p} Now Ilúvatar knew what QS.02.003 {p} Then Aulë answered: “I QS.02.004 {p} Then Aulë took up QS.02.005 {p} But Ilúvatar spoke again QS.02.006 {p} Then Aulë took the QS.02.007 {p} Since they were to QS.02.008 {p} Now when Aulë laboured QS.02.009 {p} But Aulë answered: “That QS.02.010 {p} “Not unless Melkor darken QS.02.011 {p} “It is true,” said QS.02.012 {p} Then Yavanna was silent QS.02.013 {p} “If thou hadst thy QS.02.014 {p} “All have their worth,” QS.02.015 {p} “This is a strange QS.02.016 {p} “Yet it was in QS.02.017 {p} Then Manwë sat silent, QS.02.018 {p} Then Manwë awoke, and QS.02.019 {p} Then Yavanna was glad, QS.02.020 {p} But Manwë rose also, QS.02.021 {p} “Nay,” he said, “only QS.02.022 {p} Then Manwë and Yavanna QS.02.023 {p} “Nonetheless they will have 03: OF THE COMING OF THE ELVES AND THE CAPTIVITY OF MELKOR QS.03.001 {p} Through long ages the QS.03.002 {p} But in the north QS.03.003 {p} And Melkor made also QS.03.004 {p} It came to pass QS.03.005 {p} And Tulkas cried: “Nay! QS.03.006 {p} But at the bidding QS.03.007 {p} Then Varda went forth QS.03.008 {p} It is told that QS.03.009 {p} In the changes of QS.03.010 {p} Long they dwelt in QS.03.011 {p} And on a time QS.03.012 {p} Thus it was that QS.03.013 {p} In the beginning the QS.03.014 {p} Yet many of the QS.03.015 {p} Thus it was that QS.03.016 {p} But of those unhappy QS.03.017 {p} Oromë tarried a while QS.03.018 {p} Manwë sat long in QS.03.019 {p} Then Manwë said to QS.03.020 {p} Melkor met the onset QS.03.021 {p} But at the last QS.03.022 {p} Nonetheless the Valar did QS.03.023 {p} But when the Battle QS.03.024 {p} Then again the Valar QS.03.025 {p} But the Elves were QS.03.026 {p} Then befell the first QS.03.027 {p} The Eldar prepared now QS.03.028 {p} Next came the Noldor, QS.03.029 {p} The greatest host came QS.03.030 {p} These were the three QS.03.031 {p} It is told that QS.03.032 {p} Long and slow was QS.03.033 {p} Then one arose in QS.03.034 {p} At length the Vanyar QS.03.035 {p} And the host of 04: OF THINGOL AND MELIAN QS.04.001 {p} Melian was a Maia, QS.04.002 {p} Now when their journey QS.04.003 {p} She spoke no word; QS.04.004 {p} Thus Elwë’s folk who 05: OF ELDAMAR AND THE PRINCES OF THE ELDALIË QS.05.001 {p} In time the hosts QS.05.002 {p} Now Ulmo, by the QS.05.003 {p} But the Teleri remained QS.05.004 {p} When many years had QS.05.005 {p} The kinsfolk and friends QS.05.006 {p} But when Elwë awoke QS.05.007 {p} Now Ossë followed after QS.05.008 {p} To these the Valar QS.05.009 {p} Upon the crown of QS.05.010 {p} Manwë and Varda loved QS.05.011 {p} The Noldor afterwards came QS.05.012 {p} Finwë was King of QS.05.013 {p} Fëanor was the mightiest QS.05.014 {p} The seven sons of QS.05.015 {p} The sons of Fingolfin QS.05.016 {p} The sons of Finarfin QS.05.017 {p} Here must be told QS.05.018 {p} There they dwelt, and QS.05.019 {p} As the ages passed QS.05.020 {p} Fëanor and his sons 06: OF FËANOR AND THE UNCHAINING OF MELKOR QS.06.001 {p} Now the Three Kindreds QS.06.002 {p} In that time was QS.06.003 {p} Míriel was the name QS.06.004 {p} Then Finwë was grieved, QS.06.005 {p} “It is indeed unhappy,” QS.06.006 {p} She went then to QS.06.007 {p} All his love he QS.06.008 {p} While still in his QS.06.009 {p} Now it came to QS.06.010 {p} The wedding of his QS.06.011 {p} Now even while Fëanor QS.06.012 {p} Before the gates of QS.06.013 {p} Then Manwë granted him QS.06.014 {p} Now in his heart 07: OF THE SILMARILS AND THE UNREST OF THE NOLDOR QS.07.001 {p} In that time were QS.07.002 {p} As three great jewels QS.07.003 {p} All who dwelt in QS.07.004 {p} Then Melkor lusted for QS.07.005 {p} When he saw that QS.07.006 {p} In those days, moreover, QS.07.007 {p} Thus ere the Valar QS.07.008 {p} High princes were Fëanor QS.07.009 {p} And when Melkor saw QS.07.010 {p} Thus with lies and QS.07.011 {p} Then there was great QS.07.012 {p} But even as Fingolfin QS.07.013 {p} Fingolfin bowed before Finwë, QS.07.014 {p} These words were heard QS.07.015 {p} Now the unrest of QS.07.016 {p} Then Fingolfin said: “I QS.07.017 {p} With him into banishment QS.07.018 {p} Now Melkor, knowing that QS.07.019 {p} It is told that QS.07.020 {p} Now Fëanor’s heart was QS.07.021 {p} But his cunning overreached QS.07.022 {p} Then Melkor departed in QS.07.023 {p} Now the Valar were QS.07.024 {p} Thus Melkor departed from 08: OF THE DARKENING OF VALINOR QS.08.001 {p} When Manwë heard of QS.08.002 {p} Thus unseen he came QS.08.003 {p} In a ravine she QS.08.004 {p} Now Melkor came to QS.08.005 {p} A cloak of darkness QS.08.006 {p} But now upon the QS.08.007 {p} Now it was a QS.08.008 {p} Therefore Yavanna set times QS.08.009 {p} There came the Vanyar, QS.08.010 {p} One thing only marred QS.08.011 {p} Then Fëanor took his QS.08.012 {p} “I hear thee,” said QS.08.013 {p} It is told that QS.08.014 {p} So the great darkness QS.08.015 {p} Varda looked down from QS.08.016 {p} But Manwë from his QS.08.017 {p} Then the pursuit was 09: OF THE FLIGHT OF THE NOLDOR QS.09.001 {p} After a time a QS.09.002 {p} Yavanna spoke before the QS.09.003 {p} Then Manwë spoke and QS.09.004 {p} There was long silence, QS.09.005 {p} But Aulë the Maker QS.09.006 {p} But Fëanor spoke then, QS.09.007 {p} “Not the first,” said QS.09.008 {p} Then Mandos said: “Thou QS.09.009 {p} But even as Nienna QS.09.010 {p} Then Fëanor rose, and QS.09.011 {p} Many there grieved for QS.09.012 {p} Meanwhile Morgoth escaping from QS.09.013 {p} “Blackheart!” she said. “I QS.09.014 {p} “What wouldst thou have QS.09.015 {p} “Not so much,” said QS.09.016 {p} Then perforce Morgoth surrendered QS.09.017 {p} In his right hand QS.09.018 {p} But Ungoliant had grown QS.09.019 {p} And thus the fear QS.09.020 {p} For now, more than QS.09.021 {p} Now when it was QS.09.022 {p} Then suddenly Fëanor appeared QS.09.023 {p} “Why, O people of QS.09.024 {p} “Here once was light, QS.09.025 {p} Long he spoke, and QS.09.026 {p} Then Fëanor swore a QS.09.027 {p} Thus spoke Maedhros and QS.09.028 {p} At length after long QS.09.029 {p} Little foresight could there QS.09.030 {p} And indeed when Fëanor QS.09.031 {p} But even as the QS.09.032 {p} But Fëanor laughed, and QS.09.033 {p} Then turning to the QS.09.034 {p} In that hour the QS.09.035 {p} Now Fëanor led the QS.09.036 {p} But the Teleri were QS.09.037 {p} Then Fëanor grew wrathful, QS.09.038 {p} But Olwë answered: “We QS.09.039 {p} Thereupon Fëanor left him, QS.09.040 {p} Thus at last the QS.09.041 {p} Nonetheless the greater part QS.09.042 {p} “Tears unnumbered ye shall QS.09.043 {p} “Ye have spilled the QS.09.044 {p} Then many quailed; but QS.09.045 {p} But in that hour QS.09.046 {p} The Noldor came at QS.09.047 {p} Therefore Fëanor halted and QS.09.048 {p} But when they were QS.09.049 {p} Then Fëanor laughed as QS.09.050 {p} Then Fingolfin seeing that 10: OF THE SINDAR QS.10.001 {p} Now as has been QS.10.002 {p} It came to pass QS.10.003 {p} From Nogrod and Belegost QS.10.004 {p} Now Melian had much QS.10.005 {p} Therefore the Naugrim laboured QS.10.006 {p} But the Elves also QS.10.007 {p} And when the building QS.10.008 {p} But as the third QS.10.009 {p} And ere long the QS.10.010 {p} Therefore Thingol took thought QS.10.011 {p} At this time therefore QS.10.012 {p} Now as has been QS.10.013 {p} Of the long years QS.10.014 {p} In Beleriand in those QS.10.015 {p} But it came to QS.10.016 {p} Now the Orcs that QS.10.017 {p} But the victory of QS.10.018 {p} And when Thingol came QS.10.019 {p} But new tidings were 11: OF THE SUN AND MOON AND THE HIDING OF VALINOR QS.11.001 {p} It is told that QS.11.002 {p} But Mandos said: “And QS.11.003 {p} But when at last QS.11.004 {p} These Yavanna took; and QS.11.005 {p} These things the Valar QS.11.006 {p} Isil the Sheen the QS.11.007 {p} The maiden whom the QS.11.008 {p} Isil was first wrought QS.11.009 {p} Tilion had traversed the QS.11.010 {p} Now Varda purposed that QS.11.011 {p} Because of the waywardness QS.11.012 {p} Varda commanded the Moon QS.11.013 {p} Therefore by the coming QS.11.014 {p} Still therefore, after the QS.11.015 {p} But Morgoth hated the QS.11.016 {p} But seeing the assault QS.11.017 {p} And in that time 12: OF MEN QS.12.001 {p} The Valar sat now QS.12.002 {p} From this time forth QS.12.003 {p} At the first rising QS.12.004 {p} Morgoth had then not QS.12.005 {p} But the dawn is QS.12.006 {p} Immortal were the Elves, QS.12.007 {p} In after days, when 13: OF THE RETURN OF THE NOLDOR QS.13.001 {p} It has been told QS.13.002 {p} Now the flames of QS.13.003 {p} Under the cold stars QS.13.004 {p} Yet cause he had QS.13.005 {p} Then his sons raised QS.13.006 {p} Now in Mithrim there QS.13.007 {p} But even in the QS.13.008 {p} Then the brothers of QS.13.009 {p} Now rumour came to QS.13.010 {p} But Fingolfin, being of QS.13.011 {p} Thus because of the QS.13.012 {p} Then Fingon the valiant, QS.13.013 {p} Thus Fingon found what QS.13.014 {p} His prayer was answered QS.13.015 {p} There Maedhros in time QS.13.016 {p} Therefore even as Mandos QS.13.017 {p} Now King Thingol welcomed QS.13.018 {p} Angrod son of Finarfin QS.13.019 {p} Now the lords of QS.13.020 {p} But Caranthir, who loved QS.13.021 {p} Then Angrod was wrathful QS.13.022 {p} Now the people of QS.13.023 {p} When twenty years of QS.13.024 {p} At Mereth Aderthad many QS.13.025 {p} And when again thirty QS.13.026 {p} Now on a time QS.13.027 {p} There in Nargothrond Finrod QS.13.028 {p} Galadriel his sister went QS.13.029 {p} But Turgon remembered the QS.13.030 {p} Now Morgoth, believing the QS.13.031 {p} A victory it was, QS.13.032 {p} When nearly one hundred QS.13.033 {p} Again after a hundred 14: OF BELERIAND AND ITS REALMS QS.14.001 {p} This is the fashion QS.14.002 {p} In the north of QS.14.003 {p} To the west of QS.14.004 {p} Fingolfin and Fingon his QS.14.005 {p} West of Dor-lómin, beyond QS.14.006 {p} South of Ard-galen the QS.14.007 {p} Between Dorthonion and the QS.14.008 {p} Now the great and QS.14.009 {p} But the realm of QS.14.010 {p} Thus the realm of QS.14.011 {p} Upon the left hand QS.14.012 {p} Southward lay the guarded QS.14.013 {p} In the south-west of QS.14.014 {p} This dividing fall was QS.14.015 {p} Gelion was a great QS.14.016 {p} In Ossiriand dwelt the QS.14.017 {p} East of Dorthonion the QS.14.018 {p} Between the arms of QS.14.019 {p} Thus the sons of 15: OF THE NOLDOR IN BELERIAND QS.15.001 {p} It has been told QS.15.002 {p} Now after the Dagor QS.15.003 {p} And Ulmo warned Turgon QS.15.004 {p} Then Ulmo returned to QS.15.005 {p} Through many long years QS.15.006 {p} Now while the city QS.15.007 {p} “For that woe is QS.15.008 {p} Then Melian looked in QS.15.009 {p} “Near,” said Galadriel; “save QS.15.010 {p} Then Galadriel spoke to QS.15.011 {p} “Maybe,” said Galadriel; “but QS.15.012 {p} And Melian spoke then QS.15.013 {p} Then Thingol was silent, QS.15.014 {p} But Melian said: “Truly QS.15.015 {p} And Thingol answered: “What QS.15.016 {p} “Their swords and their QS.15.017 {p} It was not long QS.15.018 {p} It chanced that at QS.15.019 {p} But Finrod answered: “What QS.15.020 {p} “I marvel at you, QS.15.021 {p} Then Finrod was greatly QS.15.022 {p} Then Angrod spoke bitterly QS.15.023 {p} “Yet the shadow of QS.15.024 {p} Then the sons of QS.15.025 {p} It came to pass QS.15.026 {p} But it is said 16: OF MAEGLIN QS.16.001 {p} Aredhel Ar-Feiniel, the White QS.16.002 {p} But Aredhel said: “I QS.16.003 {p} Then Turgon answered: “I QS.16.004 {p} And Turgon appointed three QS.16.005 {p} But when she came QS.16.006 {p} Then Aredhel turned back QS.16.007 {p} But Aredhel, having sought QS.16.008 {p} In that wood in QS.16.009 {p} Now the traffic of QS.16.010 {p} It is not said QS.16.011 {p} As Maeglin grew to QS.16.012 {p} Yet it is said QS.16.013 {p} In the telling of QS.16.014 {p} It came to pass QS.16.015 {p} Then Aredhel was glad, QS.16.016 {p} Now Eöl returned out QS.16.017 {p} Then Curufin said to QS.16.018 {p} And Eöl knowing his QS.16.019 {p} Then Curufin laughed at QS.16.020 {p} And Eöl answered: “Then, QS.16.021 {p} “You have my leave, QS.16.022 {p} Then Eöl mounted his QS.16.023 {p} Then Eöl rode off QS.16.024 {p} Now Aredhel and Maeglin QS.16.025 {p} “I rejoice indeed that QS.16.026 {p} Then Maeglin bowed low QS.16.027 {p} But Eöl, following after QS.16.028 {p} “Lord,” he cried, “the QS.16.029 {p} Then Aredhel said: “Alas! QS.16.030 {p} And so it was QS.16.031 {p} But Eöl withdrew his QS.16.032 {p} Then Turgon sat in QS.16.033 {p} Then Eöl looked into QS.16.034 {p} But Aredhel sprang before QS.16.035 {p} It was appointed that QS.16.036 {p} Therefore when Eöl was QS.16.037 {p} Then they cast Eöl QS.16.038 {p} Thus all seemed well QS.16.039 {p} Thus it was in 17: OF THE COMING OF MEN INTO THE WEST QS.17.001 {p} When three hundred years QS.17.002 {p} In a valley among QS.17.003 {p} Now these were a QS.17.004 {p} Long Felagund watched them, QS.17.005 {p} Now men awoke and QS.17.006 {p} Thus it was that QS.17.007 {p} Now the Eldar were QS.17.008 {p} But it was said QS.17.009 {p} Now Felagund learned from QS.17.010 {p} Now the Green-elves of QS.17.011 {p} Then by the advice QS.17.012 {p} Soon after the departure QS.17.013 {p} Felagund himself often returned QS.17.014 {p} Fingolfin, as King of QS.17.015 {p} The Edain did not QS.17.016 {p} It is said that QS.17.017 {p} But many Men remained QS.17.018 {p} The leaders of discontent QS.17.019 {p} Then a council and QS.17.020 {p} To this Bereg answered: QS.17.021 {p} Then those that listened QS.17.022 {p} But some still answered: QS.17.023 {p} During this time the QS.17.024 {p} Now the Haladin did QS.17.025 {p} Haldad had twin children: QS.17.026 {p} Then Caranthir looked kindly QS.17.027 {p} But Haleth was proud, QS.17.028 {p} But they remained a QS.17.029 {p} Now Brethil was claimed QS.17.030 {p} In this way it QS.17.031 {p} Now Hador Lórindol, son QS.17.032 {p} The sons of Hador QS.17.033 {p} All these were caught QS.17.034 {p} The years of the QS.17.035 {p} Nonetheless the Edain of 18: OF THE RUIN OF BELERIAND AND THE FALL OF FINGOLFIN QS.18.001 {p} Now Fingolfin, King of QS.18.002 {p} But when the sixth QS.18.003 {p} There came a time QS.18.004 {p} In the front of QS.18.005 {p} Thus ended the Siege QS.18.006 {p} The sons of Finarfin QS.18.007 {p} So great was the QS.18.008 {p} For the war had QS.18.009 {p} Now news came to QS.18.010 {p} That was the last QS.18.011 {p} Then Morgoth hurled aloft QS.18.012 {p} But at the last QS.18.013 {p} Thus died Fingolfin, High QS.18.014 {p} Great was the lamentation QS.18.015 {p} Now Morgoth’s power overshadowed QS.18.016 {p} For nigh on two QS.18.017 {p} To Men Morgoth feigned QS.18.018 {p} It is told that QS.18.019 {p} There was small love QS.18.020 {p} At this time Húrin QS.18.021 {p} There Turgon the King QS.18.022 {p} But Húrin and Huor QS.18.023 {p} But Maeglin, the King’s QS.18.024 {p} Then Húrin answered him: QS.18.025 {p} Now when Turgon learned QS.18.026 {p} Rumour came to Morgoth QS.18.027 {p} When seven years had QS.18.028 {p} But King Fingon was QS.18.029 {p} Thereafter Húrin son of QS.18.030 {p} In that time also 19: OF BEREN AND LÚTHIEN QS.19.001 {p} Among the tales of QS.19.002 {p} It has been told QS.19.003 {p} Now among the companions QS.19.004 {p} On a time of QS.19.005 {p} And Gorlim answered that QS.19.006 {p} Then Sauron smiled, saying: QS.19.007 {p} Now Gorlim would have QS.19.008 {p} In this way the QS.19.009 {p} Then Beren awoke, and QS.19.010 {p} There Beren buried his QS.19.011 {p} Thereafter for four years QS.19.012 {p} All that land was QS.19.013 {p} Terrible was his southward QS.19.014 {p} It is told in QS.19.015 {p} But she vanished from QS.19.016 {p} There came a time QS.19.017 {p} Then the spell of QS.19.018 {p} Beyond his hope she QS.19.019 {p} But Daeron the minstrel QS.19.020 {p} Then Thingol looked upon QS.19.021 {p} But Beren being filled QS.19.022 {p} “Let Beren speak!” said QS.19.023 {p} Then Beren looking up QS.19.024 {p} Then silence fell upon QS.19.025 {p} Then Beren answered: “Death QS.19.026 {p} His words were proud, QS.19.027 {p} But Thingol looked in QS.19.028 {p} Thus he wrought the QS.19.029 {p} But Beren laughed. “For QS.19.030 {p} Then he looked in QS.19.031 {p} Then at last Melian QS.19.032 {p} But Thingol answered: “I QS.19.033 {p} But Lúthien was silent, QS.19.034 {p} It is told in QS.19.035 {p} Upon all that plain QS.19.036 {p} Therefore the hunters slew QS.19.037 {p} Thus Beren came before QS.19.038 {p} Then King Felagund spoke QS.19.039 {p} Many other words he QS.19.040 {p} And now they murmured QS.19.041 {p} And Felagund seeing that QS.19.042 {p} Then Felagund gave the QS.19.043 {p} On an evening of QS.19.044 {p} Thus befell the contest QS.19.045 {lg} He chanted a song QS.19.046 {p} Then Sauron stripped from QS.19.047 {p} He cast them therefore QS.19.048 {p} In the time when QS.19.049 {p} It is told in QS.19.050 {p} It chanced that Celegorm QS.19.051 {p} Huan it was that QS.19.052 {p} Thus they broke off QS.19.053 {p} But Huan the hound QS.19.054 {p} Now Huan devised a QS.19.055 {p} In the pits of QS.19.056 {p} In that hour Lúthien QS.19.057 {p} But Lúthien heard his QS.19.058 {p} Therefore he sent a QS.19.059 {p} So great was the QS.19.060 {p} But no wizardry nor QS.19.061 {p} Then Sauron yielded himself, QS.19.062 {p} Then Lúthien stood upon QS.19.063 {p} They buried the body QS.19.064 {p} Now Beren and Lúthien QS.19.065 {p} There was tumult in QS.19.066 {p} “Let it be so!” QS.19.067 {p} Northward they rode, for QS.19.068 {p} Now it is told QS.19.069 {p} Even as they spoke QS.19.070 {p} Then Beren throttled Curufin; QS.19.071 {p} Then Curufin cursed Beren QS.19.072 {p} It is told that QS.19.073 {p} He rode northward again QS.19.074 {lg} Farewell sweet earth and QS.19.075 {p} And he sang aloud, QS.19.076 {p} But Lúthien heard his QS.19.077 {p} Beren seeing their approach QS.19.078 {p} “Thrice now I curse QS.19.079 {p} Then for the second QS.19.080 {p} Then Beren perceived that QS.19.081 {p} They passed through all QS.19.082 {p} There dismay took them, QS.19.083 {p} Now Carcharoth espied them QS.19.084 {p} Then Beren and Lúthien QS.19.085 {p} All his court were QS.19.086 {p} As a dead beast QS.19.087 {p} As he closed it QS.19.088 {p} Then terror fell upon QS.19.089 {p} Lúthien was spent, and QS.19.090 {p} But Carcharoth looked upon QS.19.091 {p} Now Beren lay in QS.19.092 {p} Thus the quest of QS.19.093 {p} Then they lifted up QS.19.094 {p} There the eagles laid QS.19.095 {p} Thereafter Beren was named QS.19.096 {p} Upon Doriath evil days QS.19.097 {p} In that time Thingol QS.19.098 {p} But in the north QS.19.099 {p} Even in that dark QS.19.100 {p} And Thingol answered: “What QS.19.101 {p} But Beren said: “It QS.19.102 {p} Then Thingol said: “Show QS.19.103 {p} And Beren put forth QS.19.104 {p} Then Thingol’s mood was QS.19.105 {p} But now a shadow QS.19.106 {p} Therefore, since daily Carcharoth QS.19.107 {p} The hunters turned east QS.19.108 {p} Beren stood beside Thingol, QS.19.109 {p} Huan in that hour QS.19.110 {p} Mablung and Beleg came QS.19.111 {p} They bore back Beren QS.19.112 {p} For the spirit of QS.19.113 {p} Then a winter, as QS.19.114 {p} The song of Lúthien QS.19.115 {p} Therefore he summoned Beren, QS.19.116 {p} These were the choices QS.19.117 {p} This doom she chose, 20: OF THE FIFTH BATTLE: NIRNAETH ARNOEDIAD QS.20.001 {p} It is said that QS.20.002 {p} In those days Maedhros QS.20.003 {p} Yet the oath of QS.20.004 {p} From Doriath came little QS.20.005 {p} But Maedhros had the QS.20.006 {p} But Maedhros made trial QS.20.007 {p} At length Maedhros, having QS.20.008 {p} On the appointed day, QS.20.009 {p} Then Fingon looked towards QS.20.010 {p} But now a cry QS.20.011 {p} Now Morgoth, who knew QS.20.012 {p} Then the hearts of QS.20.013 {p} But the Captain of QS.20.014 {p} By ill chance, at QS.20.015 {p} Then in the plain QS.20.016 {p} Now the phalanx of QS.20.017 {p} Yet neither by wolf, QS.20.018 {p} Last of all the QS.20.019 {p} But now in the QS.20.020 {p} The field was lost; QS.20.021 {p} But Turgon answered: “Not QS.20.022 {p} Then Huor spoke and QS.20.023 {p} And Maeglin, Turgon’s sister-son, QS.20.024 {p} Then Turgon took the QS.20.025 {p} So it was that QS.20.026 {p} Then all the hosts QS.20.027 {p} Last of all Húrin QS.20.028 {p} Thus ended Nirnaeth Arnoediad, QS.20.029 {p} Great was the triumph QS.20.030 {p} The realm of Fingon QS.20.031 {p} The Orcs and the QS.20.032 {p} And when Turgon heard QS.20.033 {p} Now the thought of QS.20.034 {p} Therefore Húrin was brought QS.20.035 {p} And even so it QS.20.036 {p} By the command of 21: OF TÚRIN TURAMBAR QS.21.001 {p} Rían, daughter of Belegund, QS.21.002 {p} Morwen, daughter of Baragund, QS.21.003 {p} Now after the Nirnaeth QS.21.004 {p} In the first beginning QS.21.005 {p} Túrin grew fair and QS.21.006 {p} And when three years QS.21.007 {p} On the next day QS.21.008 {p} But when all that QS.21.009 {p} And Beleg answered: “I QS.21.010 {p} Then Beleg departed from QS.21.011 {p} But Túrin abode long QS.21.012 {p} Then Beleg told Túrin QS.21.013 {p} “I do not remember QS.21.014 {p} “Never did we go QS.21.015 {p} But in the pride QS.21.016 {p} On the next day QS.21.017 {p} Now Beleg returned to QS.21.018 {p} “Give me leave, lord,” QS.21.019 {p} Then Thingol gave Beleg QS.21.020 {p} “I ask then for QS.21.021 {p} “Choose from all that QS.21.022 {p} Then Beleg chose Anglachel; QS.21.023 {p} But as Thingol turned QS.21.024 {p} “Nonetheless I will wield QS.21.025 {p} “Another gift I will QS.21.026 {p} Then Beleg departed with QS.21.027 {p} Now when Beleg parted QS.21.028 {p} Then Mîm answered: “High QS.21.029 {p} Then Túrin was silent, QS.21.030 {p} On the next day QS.21.031 {p} But Mîm led them QS.21.032 {p} And now there came QS.21.033 {p} Then pity rose in QS.21.034 {p} Then Mîm rose, and QS.21.035 {p} So began the abiding QS.21.036 {p} In the time that QS.21.037 {p} But when the year QS.21.038 {p} Thus Beleg returned once QS.21.039 {p} Who knows now the QS.21.040 {p} And now again the QS.21.041 {p} In the waning of QS.21.042 {p} Thus was Bar-en-Danwedh betrayed, QS.21.043 {p} And at length when QS.21.044 {p} Now Beleg was sorely QS.21.045 {p} With little hope Beleg QS.21.046 {p} Grieving Beleg looked upon QS.21.047 {p} And Gwindor told him QS.21.048 {p} When all in the QS.21.049 {p} But as he stood, QS.21.050 {p} But now in the QS.21.051 {p} When morning came the QS.21.052 {p} Then Gwindor roused Túrin QS.21.053 {p} Thus ended Beleg Strongbow, QS.21.054 {p} There he made a QS.21.055 {p} “Who are you?” said QS.21.056 {p} “A wandering Elf, a QS.21.057 {p} “Then have you seen QS.21.058 {p} “I have not seen QS.21.059 {p} “That I do believe,” QS.21.060 {p} And now they arose, QS.21.061 {p} At first his own QS.21.062 {p} In the time that QS.21.063 {p} Then the heart of QS.21.064 {p} Then Finduilas sat long QS.21.065 {p} Now when Túrin learnt QS.21.066 {p} But Gwindor answered: “The QS.21.067 {p} When it became known QS.21.068 {p} In that time of QS.21.069 {p} Now it came to QS.21.070 {p} “Hear the words of QS.21.071 {p} Orodreth was troubled by QS.21.072 {p} Soon afterwards Handir Lord QS.21.073 {p} Then the warriors of QS.21.074 {p} Then Gwindor said to QS.21.075 {p} Then Túrin sped back QS.21.076 {p} And even as Túrin QS.21.077 {p} And now he stood QS.21.078 {p} Then Túrin sprang about, QS.21.079 {p} And while he was QS.21.080 {p} Then suddenly Glaurung withdrew QS.21.081 {p} But Túrin drawing back QS.21.082 {p} Then Túrin, being yet QS.21.083 {p} But Túrin passed away QS.21.084 {p} And Túrin hastened along QS.21.085 {p} At last worn by QS.21.086 {p} Thus he came hardly QS.21.087 {p} Then Túrin strode to QS.21.088 {p} Now Túrin coming down QS.21.089 {p} Túrin bade them lead QS.21.090 {p} Now new tidings came QS.21.091 {p} Then Morwen was distraught, QS.21.092 {p} They came upon Morwen QS.21.093 {p} But Glaurung was aware QS.21.094 {p} Seeing the onset of QS.21.095 {p} Her will strove with QS.21.096 {p} Now Mablung, who greatly QS.21.097 {p} But they were found QS.21.098 {p} Then the Orcs gave QS.21.099 {p} But Nienor ran on QS.21.100 {p} But it was a QS.21.101 {p} On the next day QS.21.102 {p} In that time the QS.21.103 {p} But when three years QS.21.104 {p} In the spring of QS.21.105 {p} Then Turambar asked for QS.21.106 {p} Then Níniel being unable QS.21.107 {p} Now Turambar came to QS.21.108 {p} This counsel he took, QS.21.109 {p} Then Turambar summoned all QS.21.110 {p} Now Gurthang had been QS.21.111 {p} Then he wrenched out QS.21.112 {p} The screams of Glaurung QS.21.113 {p} Even so Brandir found QS.21.114 {p} But as they went QS.21.115 {p} Thus Brandir saw her QS.21.116 {p} Then Glaurung died, and QS.21.117 {p} Then Brandir came and QS.21.118 {p} But Brandir made his QS.21.119 {p} And he answered: “Níniel QS.21.120 {p} But even as he QS.21.121 {p} But when the people QS.21.122 {p} Then Brandir told him QS.21.123 {p} Then Turambar was wrathful, QS.21.124 {p} Then Turambar fell into QS.21.125 {p} And even as he QS.21.126 {p} Then they marvelled, and QS.21.127 {p} Then Mablung was dismayed, QS.21.128 {p} Then he fled from QS.21.129 {p} And from the blade QS.21.130 {p} Then Túrin set the QS.21.131 {p} Then they lifted up QS.21.132 {qt} TÚRIN TURAMBAR DAGNIR GLAURUNGA QS.21.133 {p} and beneath they wrote QS.21.134 {qt} NIENOR NÍNIEL QS.21.135 {p} But she was not 22: OF THE RUIN OF DORIATH QS.22.001 {p} So ended the tale QS.22.002 {p} Unhappy was the lot QS.22.003 {p} Then little though he QS.22.004 {p} Thus his freedom did QS.22.005 {p} But the watch of QS.22.006 {p} “Not so,” said Thorondor. QS.22.007 {p} “Then your words bode QS.22.008 {p} But when Thorondor was QS.22.009 {p} For Húrin stood in QS.22.010 {p} Yet there were ears QS.22.011 {p} As darkness fell Húrin QS.22.012 {p} But Húrin did not QS.22.013 {p} “You come at last,” QS.22.014 {p} “It was a dark QS.22.015 {p} “But you are too QS.22.016 {p} “I know it,” he QS.22.017 {p} But Morwen said: “Almost. QS.22.018 {p} But Húrin did not QS.22.019 {p} It is told that QS.22.020 {p} Now Húrin crossed over QS.22.021 {p} Here it must be QS.22.022 {p} Then the Dwarf answered: QS.22.023 {p} “Then you shall enjoy QS.22.024 {p} Then Mîm in great QS.22.025 {p} Now Húrin journeyed eastward, QS.22.026 {p} “Receive thou thy fee,” QS.22.027 {p} Then Thingol looked upon QS.22.028 {p} And hearing the words QS.22.029 {p} Then he turned away, QS.22.030 {p} But when Húrin was QS.22.031 {p} In those days the QS.22.032 {p} Long was their labour; QS.22.033 {p} Then the lust of QS.22.034 {p} Then the Dwarves taking QS.22.035 {p} Then great was the QS.22.036 {p} Upon Doriath a heavy QS.22.037 {p} Thereafter Melian spoke to QS.22.038 {p} Thus it was that QS.22.039 {p} At that time Beren QS.22.040 {p} Now word went swiftly QS.22.041 {p} Thus it came to QS.22.042 {p} In that battle by QS.22.043 {p} Now Dior Thingol’s heir QS.22.044 {p} There came a night QS.22.045 {p} Long did Dior gaze QS.22.046 {p} Then Dior arose, and QS.22.047 {p} But now the rumour QS.22.048 {p} But Dior returned no QS.22.049 {p} Thus Doriath was destroyed, 23: OF TUOR AND THE FALL OF GONDOLIN QS.23.001 {p} It has been told QS.23.002 {p} But when Tuor had QS.23.003 {p} And Tuor came into QS.23.004 {p} But in the morning QS.23.005 {p} At length they came QS.23.006 {p} And at the last QS.23.007 {p} Thus it was that QS.23.008 {p} Then Turgon pondered long QS.23.009 {p} And Tuor remained in QS.23.010 {p} Then there was made QS.23.011 {p} In the spring of QS.23.012 {p} Then the days of QS.23.013 {p} Now on a time, QS.23.014 {p} At last, in the QS.23.015 {p} Tuor sought to rescue QS.23.016 {p} There was a dreadful QS.23.017 {p} Many are the songs QS.23.018 {p} Thus led by Tuor QS.23.019 {p} But Morgoth thought that QS.23.020 {p} And it is said QS.23.021 {p} In those days Tuor 24: OF THE VOYAGE OF EÄRENDIL AND THE WAR OF WRATH QS.24.001 {p} Bright Eärendil was then QS.24.002 {p} Now Eärendil became fast QS.24.003 {p} Eärendil found not Tuor QS.24.004 {p} Now when first the QS.24.005 {p} For the sons of QS.24.006 {p} Thus Maedhros and Maglor QS.24.007 {p} Great was the sorrow QS.24.008 {p} Yet Eärendil saw now QS.24.009 {p} But Elwing answered: “Then QS.24.010 {p} Then Eärendil said to QS.24.011 {p} But some there were QS.24.012 {p} “Hail Eärendil, of mariners QS.24.013 {p} That voice was the QS.24.014 {p} It is told among QS.24.015 {p} But when all was QS.24.016 {p} Now when Eärendil was QS.24.017 {p} Then Eärendil said to QS.24.018 {p} Now fair and marvellous QS.24.019 {p} On those journeys Elwing QS.24.020 {p} Now when first Vingilot QS.24.021 {p} And Maglor answered: “If QS.24.022 {p} Yet it is said QS.24.023 {p} Of the march of QS.24.024 {p} The meeting of the QS.24.025 {p} But it availed him QS.24.026 {p} Then, seeing that his QS.24.027 {p} But Eärendil came, shining QS.24.028 {p} Thus an end was QS.24.029 {p} Then Eönwë as herald QS.24.030 {p} But Eönwë answered that QS.24.031 {p} But Maedhros answered that QS.24.032 {p} Yet Maglor still held QS.24.033 {p} And Maedhros answered: “But QS.24.034 {p} “If none can release QS.24.035 {p} Yet he yielded at QS.24.036 {p} But the jewel burned QS.24.037 {p} And it is told QS.24.038 {p} In those days there QS.24.039 {p} And when they came QS.24.040 {p} Yet not all the QS.24.041 {p} But Morgoth himself the QS.trailer {tr} Here ends the SILMARILLION. AKALLABÊTH The Downfall of Númenor AK.001 {p} It is said by AK.002 {p} Of them was sprung, AK.003 {p} In the Great Battle AK.004 {p} But Manwë put forth AK.005 {p} Then the Edain set AK.006 {p} This was the beginning AK.007 {p} Of old the chief AK.008 {p} Now Elros and Elrond AK.009 {p} Thus the years passed, AK.010 {p} For the Dúnedain became AK.011 {p} But the Lords of AK.012 {p} For in those days AK.013 {p} But the wise among AK.014 {p} Thus it was that AK.015 {p} Then the Men of AK.016 {p} Now this yearning grew AK.017 {p} And they said among AK.018 {p} And some there were AK.019 {p} The Eldar reported these AK.020 {p} “The Doom of the AK.021 {p} But the King said: AK.022 {p} To which they answered: AK.023 {p} And the Númenóreans answered: AK.024 {p} Then the Messengers said: AK.025 {p} These things took place AK.026 {p} Then Tar-Ancalimon, son of AK.027 {p} Thus the bliss of AK.028 {p} Thus it came to AK.029 {p} In all this the AK.030 {p} In this Age, as AK.031 {p} Yet Sauron was ever AK.032 {p} In those days the AK.033 {p} Now the Elendili dwelt AK.034 {p} Highest in honour after AK.035 {p} There was a lady AK.036 {p} But when Inziladûn acceded AK.037 {p} Now Gimilkhâd died two AK.038 {p} And it came to AK.039 {p} The mightiest and proudest AK.040 {p} And sitting upon his AK.041 {p} Great was the anger AK.042 {p} And men saw his AK.043 {p} And Sauron came. Even AK.044 {p} But Ar-Pharazôn was not AK.045 {p} Yet such was the AK.046 {p} And Ar-Pharazôn said: “Who AK.047 {p} Then Ar-Pharazôn the King AK.048 {p} Therefore Amandil withdrew to AK.049 {p} At the first the AK.050 {p} None too soon was AK.051 {p} Thereafter the fire and AK.052 {p} But for all this AK.053 {p} Nonetheless for long it AK.054 {p} Thus Ar-Pharazôn, King of AK.055 {p} And he said: “The AK.056 {p} Then Ar-Pharazôn, being besotted, AK.057 {p} “The days are dark, AK.058 {p} “Would you then betray AK.059 {p} “If I thought that AK.060 {p} “But what think you, AK.061 {p} “It must not become AK.062 {p} “And what shall that AK.063 {p} “To meddle not in AK.064 {p} Then Amandil said farewell AK.065 {p} It is said that AK.066 {p} But Elendil did all AK.067 {p} Now aforetime in the AK.068 {p} Then men grew afraid. AK.069 {p} Then some few would AK.070 {p} Now the lightnings increased AK.071 {p} In that time the AK.072 {p} Then the Eagles of AK.073 {p} Then Ar-Pharazôn hardened his AK.074 {p} Thus the fleets of AK.075 {p} But the fleets of AK.076 {p} Then Manwë upon the AK.077 {p} But the land of AK.078 {p} In an hour unlooked AK.079 {p} But whether or no AK.080 {p} Nine ships there were: AK.081 {p} Elendil and his sons AK.082 {p} For Sauron himself was AK.083 {p} But these things come AK.ep.001 {p} Among the Exiles many AK.ep.002 {p} For the Dúnedain held AK.ep.003 {p} Thus in after days, OF THE RINGS OF POWER AND THE THIRD AGE in which these tales come to their end RP.001 {p} Of old there was RP.002 {p} When Thangorodrim was broken RP.003 {p} In the Great Battle RP.004 {p} Upon the shores of RP.005 {p} Others of the Eldar RP.006 {p} Elsewhere in Middle-earth there RP.007 {p} Seeing the desolation of RP.008 {p} Men he found the RP.009 {p} It was in Eregion RP.010 {p} Now the Elves made RP.011 {p} But the Elves were RP.012 {p} Now these were the RP.013 {p} From that time war RP.014 {p} Men proved easier to RP.015 {p} Now Sauron’s lust and RP.016 {p} Yet there came at RP.017 {p} In that time those RP.018 {p} Elendil was cast up RP.019 {p} Isildur and Anárion were RP.020 {p} Many treasures and great RP.021 {p} Three Elendil took, and RP.022 {p} It is said that RP.023 {p} Thus the Exiles of RP.024 {p} Now Sauron prepared war RP.025 {p} When therefore Sauron saw RP.026 {p} Now Elendil and Gil-galad RP.027 {p} From Imladris they crossed RP.028 {p} The host of Gil-galad RP.029 {p} Then Gil-galad and Elendil RP.030 {p} Thus began the Third RP.031 {p} The Ruling Ring passed RP.032 {p} But Isildur was overwhelmed RP.033 {p} Thus Narsil came in RP.034 {p} Valandil took up his RP.035 {p} In the south the RP.036 {p} Yet at the last, RP.037 {p} And in the days RP.038 {p} Still Minas Tirith endured RP.039 {p} In all the days RP.040 {p} In Eriador Imladris was RP.041 {p} Of the Three Rings RP.042 {p} Thus it was that RP.043 {p} And so indeed it RP.044 {p} Now of old the RP.045 {p} Then the name of RP.046 {p} Even as the first RP.047 {p} Ever most vigilant was RP.048 {p} Now the Shadow grew RP.049 {p} “True, alas, is our RP.050 {p} And Elrond answered: “In RP.051 {p} “Yet the One was RP.052 {p} Then the White Council RP.053 {p} “For I believe not,” RP.054 {p} Therefore naught was done RP.055 {p} “Many are the strange RP.056 {p} Thus the Wise were RP.057 {p} He set a watch RP.058 {p} But ever the shadow RP.059 {p} “It is not needed RP.060 {p} To this Curunír now RP.061 {p} But their stroke was RP.062 {p} Orcs were mustering, and RP.063 {p} Now by fortune and RP.064 {p} But those who saw RP.065 {p} In that last battle RP.066 {p} For Frodo the Halfling, RP.067 {p} Then Sauron failed, and RP.068 {p} Now all these things RP.069 {p} “Take now this Ring,” RP.070 {p} White was that ship