About Us
Core Team
- James Tauber
- Sarah Monnier
- Philip Nelson
- Ken Hernden
- Jennie “Starstuff” King
- Chiara Palladino
- Francesco Mambrini
Annotation Team (Findegils)
- Robin Propst
- Lisa Tritscher
- Hannah McDonald
- Phil Walch
- Maureen Dillon
- J. H. Fleming
- Pat Lusk
- Graeme Cheadle
- Rory Queripel
- Carrie Gross
- Deniz Bevan
- Ben Goller
- Marielle Lippmann
- Jason Troutman
Other Contributors
- Ugo Truffelli
- Damian Romero
- Paul O’Rear
- Erik Mueller-Harder
- Sparrow Alden
- Maria Zielenbach
- Dan Bone
- Andrew “Trotter” Ferguson
- Jeremy Edmonds
- Colin Gorrie
- Bronwyn Rivera
- Jake Wegner
- Brian Rosner
- Jordan Rannells
- Ben Olsen
- Jack Ashbridge
About James Tauber
At the age of eleven, James Tauber was obsessed with two things: computers and The Hobbit. For his twelfth birthday, his aunt bought him The Return of the King, but not having read the first two parts of The Lord of the Rings, James was reluctant to start reading the main text. Instead he dived into the appendices, particularly the information on languages and writing systems.
With this seed planted, James ended up majoring in linguistics at university and combined this with his interest in programming to work on marking up mediæval and ancient texts electronically for linguistic analysis.
Although working professionally as a technologist and software developer in the two decades since, he has maintained a scholarly involvement in historical corpus linguistics and digital humanities especially in the context of Biblical and Ancient Greek texts. He has blogged on that topic at https://jktauber.com/.
In 2017, year James formally extended his scholarly interests to the Germanic languages, undertaking studies at Signum University in comparative philology and both Old Norse and Old English language and literature. In 2023, he was awarded an MA in Corpus Linguistics with Distinction from Lancaster University with a dissertation on linguistic variation across Tolkien’s works.
You can follow James on Twitter @jtauber and email him at jtauber@jtauber.com.
About Chiara Palladino
Chiara Palladino is Assistant Professor of Classics at Furman University. She regularly collaborates with the Perseus Library, the Open Greek and Latin Project, the Pelagios Project, and the Perseids Project. Her current research involves the investigation of meaningful linguistic patterns in premodern geographical narratives and transmedial representations of descriptive geographies through digital mapping.
She is currently exploring models of extraction and classification of information related to Named Entities at large, and this is where her research interests met her passion for Tolkien.
In the Digital Tolkien project, she mainly works on a data model of proper names, which will result in a set of interactive authoritative references to all named entities in Tolkien. She is also interested in the geography of Middle-Earth, and planning to do research on mapping descriptions of travel across Tolkien’s works.
Join Us
Please contact James if you are working on the computational analysis of texts and would like to see some of your approaches applied to Tolkien or if you are a Tolkien scholar looking for digital and quantitative support in your work.